Hi everyone!

My name is Kat and I am a business owner, foodie and general explorer. After spending a lot of time writing for everyone else, I decided it was time to finally start my own blog.

My life is going through some big changes at the moment, and I want to document every exciting, difficult, complicated and exhilarating second of it!

This blog will include tips, guides and failures in my pursuit of a healthy body, mind and soul and a successful business which will allow me to travel, eat and live on my own terms. And believe me, if I haven’t already tried it, I’m sure it’s on my list! Considering eating nothing but potatoes? Been there. Want to know if your chakras are blocked… or if you even have chakras? So do I! Fancy taking off to Central America by yourself? This solo female traveler can give you some recommendations!

So what do you say? Ready to join me on this crazy journey and discover how to live your best life? It’s going to be a good ride at the very least!

Peace and love,
